Friday 20 July 2018

Rethinking Agricultural Engineering 2: From War for Land to War Against Poverty

Smallholder and subsistence farmers are the future of food production in developing countries, producing 80% of all the food grown in Africa and Asia. The agricultural engineering challenge is to promote and nurture the nascent agricultural engineering sector in developing countries. Recent discussions and reports have highlighted the need to reexamine the value and approach to mechanization in Sub-Saharan Africa. As highlighted in the part one to this article, Land reform came with a unique set of challenges chief of which is having to reorient our agrarian structure-to shift from subsistence to being the bread basket for Africa, to move from hewers of wood and drawers of water to managers of fully mechanized farms.

Case study

China's expenditure on public sector agriculture research rose to $4.7 billion in 2001 making it the global leader in research resulting in continued rise in productivity from 2001 to 2012 than any country except Brazil. China’s experience in transforming its smallholder farmer based agrarian structure demonstrates that institutional innovation (particularly land tenure), technological changes, and market reform and infrastructure development are critical to the improvement of the nation's food security.
Taking a leaf from China's journey, I would like to propose a few solutions to bring about technological shift to small and medium scale farming post land reform.

Engineering for Agriculture

In order to accelerate the production of small-scale farmer oriented technology, the government must spearhead a nationwide "Engineering for Agriculture" program that is vigorously and intelligently pursued in all research and development institutions. Our neighbouring South Africa has made huge strides on that front, funding research projects through organizations such as ARC, SANCOLD, WRC to mention but a few. We have the Institute of Agricultural Engineering whose voice is fading because of lack of funding and not being integrated with key stakeholders and other programs of national value. The program should catalyze R&D efforts by  resuscitating such organizations and leverage on their experience, networks and structures to channel funds into solving critical problems.

Technology Transfer Centers

On average, there are over 60 new agriculture related innovations presented yearly at universities that do not get to see daylight because of absence of a mechanism that systematically turns new research knowledge and innovations into practice. In order to harvest these low-hanging fruits we must develop Technology Transfer Centers (TTC) that are equipped with research engineers, scientists and innovators. The aim should be to promote vertical technology transfer whereby applied research knowledge is translated to practical and implementable solutions by supporting synergies between public research institutions and industry and match-making innovators with investors. Countries like China and the European Union have regional TTCs to support innovation and accelerate growth through commercialization of ideas and availing intellectual property to industries in a systematic and profitable manner. In the absence of a rich research base as in our case, TTCs can begin by value engineering and reverse-engineering of revolutionary smallholder farmer targeted technology and share technical information with willing takers thereby facilitating speedy adoption of modern technology.

Hybrid Industries

Our socio-economic atmosphere may not, at this moment, have the capacity to host viable agricultural equipment producers that can compete price-wise with imports, but we can attract flourishing hybrid industries that do assembly of tractors, irrigation equipment, post harvest technologies and the likes. That enables the necessary skills transfer required to start having our own brands that are both profitable and pro-smallholder farmer in future. Currently, We have our small scale industries that continue to serve the smallholders but due to their informal nature, their potential is not realized nor their role in the post land reform era acknowledged. What can we say about hubs like Gazaland, teeming with seasoned technologists, developing mobile shellers, milling machines, and other implements? A drive to formalise and recognize these industries can go a long way in empowering our smallholder farmers.

Promoting Adoption of Specific Technology

Over the past five years, we have seen the inception of the two-wheeled and low cost mini tractors from China and India. The mini tractors are a game-changer in terms of dealing with drudgery cost-effectively and ergonomics and most importantly being the best prescription for conservation agriculture. The versatility of these mini machines when paired with suitable small scale implements facilitates mobility, cultivation, spraying, irrigation, harvesting and postharvest operations. However, these tractors sometimes enter the market unchecked at the expense of farmers who have absolutely no knowledge on how to verify the applicability and authenticity of the operational specifications. Imported farming equipment needs to be tested and recalibrated for local conditions and terrain. Instead of government importing the glamourised high tech expensive tractors and harvesters for its input schemes, it should consider these low cost mini machines which are also less prone to nepotism and revamp its Agritex division to facilitate quick adoption of better technologies.

Ownership vs Access?

Lastly, as a nation we can make key institutional innovations by borrowing from our sharing culture. What if we just improve farmers' access to equipment by having a platform that connects farmers to mechanization service providers in real time. Just as we do when we need a lift to go work we delegate that role to transport companies who by experience become so good at it as we also get more time to do what matter most to us. Ownership vs Access? This is what is now commonly known as the "sharing economy" with multi-billion dollar companies like Uber, Lyft and AirBnB leading the revolution. This entails that farmers stick to their business and not worry about buying and servicing equipment, training operators and providing secure shelter for the equipment. On the other hand experienced logistics service providers specialize on mechanization planning, procurement of best equipment, maintenance and deployment.

To conclude, let me re-emphasize that the war for land was just the beginning. Now is the time to think about the war for food and war against poverty. In order to win this war, Agricultural Engineering must play a key role in reshaping the agrarian structure of the nation and the government must invest much into research and development and make the necessary institutional transitions to accelerate economic recovery.

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the head war against poverty
